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Sometimes life can be a right old bitch.

Sometimes it’s just plum, blooming awful, isn’t it?

Especially when things that happened in the past come to haunt you in the present. Sock you in the face with it and bring it all to a head. 


That’s when you think ‘Is it all flipping worth it?’ Right?

Marcia, Jorna and Eleanor, the heroines of Journeys into the Heartland, wholeheartedly agree with you on that. It’s just that they refuse to knuckle under.


It’s their sheer bloody-mindedness and a black sense of humour that drags them through the darkest patch in their lives. It helps them get out the other end where they find there’s hope.


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Eyes Of Darkness

e book


The still birth of a long-desired-for baby raises the haunting spectre of guilt over failures real and imagined and over things that happened in Marcia’s childhood. This personal crisis triggers a nightmare of self-despite and despair. Reliving the past splits her focus and her personality into three.


Will she regain control of herself enough to become one again?




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Jorna witnesses an act of gratuitous violence. The wanton evil in the act unlocks the Pandora’s box full of undeniable, unforgivable

experiences that have ravaged her own life.


Will she survive the confrontation with her personal demons?


Fault Line

    e book


An incident in the supermarket triggers a memory so vivid Eleanor cannot do anything else but scream. It was that or die. Then there is the sound of dripping and the faces in the mirror that are hers and yet not.

Something was happening to her but she did not have a clue why.


Can she get to the reason behind it all?

A New Thriller!

The Smell of Memory

    e book


Sometimes family life is not all it is cracked up to be. Sometimes there are skeletons in the cupboards. Skeletons that hide as memories. When the house you inherit releases the smell of those memories you could be in for an experience and a half. . .


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