What the book is about
Eleanor has started on the arduous task of clearing the stuff that is bunging up her attic, her own and her recently deceased mother’s.
It turns out the attic stores more than rubbish. The sorting process also reveals the fault line of bullying and intimidation that runs right through four generations of mothers and daughters, including her own.
She has to suffer through the projected memories of them all before she can lay the past to rest. While she’s at it, she also manages to clear her husband out of her life.
Fault Line is the third and last book in a mini-series of three psychological thrillers on the theme of recovery from trauma.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
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How the book came to be written
This boek centres around things being handed down the generations.
My parents died shortly after one another. When we were clearing out all the stuff they left behind, the thought struck me that we were really collapsing two lives. That what was handed down were not the keepsakes and the money but the memories. That got me thinking.
You know the saying how the sins of the fathers are visited on the sons? Well, I was thinking more along the lines of how the lives of the mothers are impacting those of the daughters and not always in a pleasant way.
I wondered how an event that happened generations ago could possibly have an effect on someone who lives in the here and now.