"I've always dabbled in writing. Little bits and pieces. Just for fun.
And because I felt an urge to do so. I just couldn't stop myself."
I topped up my graduate and postgraduate studies of English literature with a creative writing course. I then 'graduated' to writing my own stuff and produced a few prize winning short stories. It progressed from there.
I am the author of Journeys into the Heartland, a mini-series of three psychological thrillers that delve deeply into the world of relived traumatic experiences.
"The Journeys into the Heartland books were written some time ago. At the time writing was still a hobby. Publishing them was not something I considered or had time for. Then it dawned on me that it really was a shame they were just sitting there on the shelf gathering dust. After all, I had put considerable time and effort into writing them, hadn't I! So I decided to publish them. As e books. And lo and behold, published they are! That really, really tickles me pink!"
"Since then I have, of course, carried on writing. I embarked on a new series of novels that are light and airy instead of dark and scary. I call them 'dream scapes' for lack of a better word. They are bizarre, light-hearted, tongue in cheek adventures that occur in the twilight zone between dream and reality, the heartland, a territory where emotions shape what happens."
"Writing novels takes time. So I started writing short stories as well. Usually after finishing a chapter I think of something that keeps my adrenaline flowing. That's when a short story pops up. They are of the quirky and bizarre kind."