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What the book is about


Out of the blue Jodie becomes the heir of a house and a past she knew nothing of. After all, her mother had refused to acknowledge their existence. The reasons for this she took with her in the grave. Jodie’s delight with the house is short-lived.

Because the house had been a witness. Of everything that went on.

It was the unwilling custodian of memories that were not its own. Ones that had soaked into the walls, into the bricks and mortar, the beams, the floors and ceilings. Ones that, to its surprise and dismay, grimly hung on and would not let go. The only way to get rid of them would be to air them and share them . . .


The Smell of Memory is a psychological thriller. It explores the long-lasting impact bad relationships within a family can have.


How the book came to be written


Funnily enough like Fault Line this boek too centres around things being handed down the generations. And yes, it too started with something that was found in a family home. In this case the home once belonged to my grandparents. When my sister showed the house to her youngest daughter they were invited inside.


The new owner told them the house had been empty when he bought it except for an old bedstead. It so happened one of the brass bed knobs contained a leather glove. Neither my sister nor myself had any idea why it was there.


Needless to say it intrigued me no end. My efforts to come up with plausible reasons triggered this book.


Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

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If you are a fan of psychological thrillers or horror stories, you could try my dark & scary Journeys into the Heartland series. If you prefer a more light-hearted genre, try my light & airy Dreamscapes. Or my freebie short stories!


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